
Sales CRM

Sell More with
Data Fueled Strategies 

Our industry-specific CRM leverages AI to prioritize leads, automate assignments, and create organizational efficiencies within your sales teams.

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Smart Prospecting

Create targeted lead lists based on fan interactions, ticket interest form submissions, and other fan engagement channels like email, mobile app, and texting.

Advanced Lead Management

AI Powered Insights

Our Fan Data Platform specializes in pinpointing your audience, whether they’re in your backyard or across the nation. Once identified, machine learning helps prioritize and craft your activation strategy to maximize your revenue.

Quality Conversions

Single fan profiles equip your sales reps with key details to engage in meaningful conversations. Whether it's through email, text, or a phone call, each interaction is optimized for success..

Optimized Sales Outcomes

Team Activity

Time is your most valuable asset and we help you manage where it’s being spent. You can easily monitor your sales team's results and progress from one screen.


Gain insights into top-performing marketing efforts to drive engagement and conversions. Use this knowledge to assess, adapt, and allocate resources wisely, maximizing your strengths for greater success.
Group 2337

Your fans are out there.
We’ll help you find them.